Customized Cards provide key branding and trip information as a handout to aid travelers being supported by a range of travel focused businesses:
- Corporate Travel
- Agency / Gov Trade Missions
- Tour Companies
- Cruise Lines
- Sports Teams
- Group Travel (Family / Club / Church)
REAL Benefits to Organizer and Traveler:
- Organizers know that cultural interaction makes a good Trip into a Great Trip
- Travelers are your Ambassadors – you want them to reflect on you positively
- Reinforce branding for trip organizer
- Team contact and emergency reminders
- Outreach is complicated and expensive for companies and these cards can help protect your investment
- Easy, affordable addition to your traveler support materials
Small Planet will work with customers to define and produce custom cards that can be used as handouts to their customers/employees. These customized cards highlight:
- Significant room is provided for branding: Custom Intro card and face of Culture Tips cards
- Organization Branding including vital tour/event information, important contact numbers, and customized set of language words
- Design proofs provided for design assurance
- Presentation card sleeve options
- Design cycle < 2 weeks
- No cost for customization
- Sample packs provided on request